19330132 THE FULL FIESTA 13 for January 1933 with King of The Jungle. Reviews: The Testament of Dr. Mabuse & The Vampire Bat

19330119 King of The Jungle. One of 13,000 Tarzan movies released in the 1930’s.

Also, Betty Boop, Trailers, Hitler Shenanigans & Woman’s First Orgasm on Film, All in The Full Fiesta 13 for January 1933.

Skip to taste. (A Fiesta 7) Press Play for THE FULL FIESTA 13 for January 1933.

19330110 Jungle Bride

19330120 Ecstasy

19330127 She Done Him Wrong

19330101 The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (Criterion)

(A Fiesta 10)

Is the criminally insane Dr. Mabuse a long-distance hypnotist? Can he hypnotize from the dead?

For ten years, the supra-genius Mabuse sat motionless in his padded cell scribbling out 30 pages a day. Only his doctor, a fanatic of Mabuse’s Reign of Crime rantings, read the scribblings. Mabuse wants to commit crimes against humanity. Just for chaos’ sake, no money.

One day, someone other than Mabuse’s doctor, read the scribblings. The manifesto was a really detailed instruction for a series of crimes. Crimes that were being committed. How?

Our hero, a cigar-smoking, sleepless, but good-natured police chief, slowly figures out the Mabuse’s Machinations.

There’s a real-life Escape Room with a Drowning Pool ending.

They burn down a chemical factory. Cool.

Then a woman shows up & everything goes Goodfellas.

Who’s that man behind the curtain?

Director Fritz Lang is a master of shot composition. A great director. However, the new, all-restored version is filled with sound holes and choppiness, often breaking up the movie’s pacing. Even some of the scenes seem out of order in the re-assemble.

Mabuse as a villain is an interesting study in chaos & nihilism. His motives are only to promote a society based on crime. His gang gets all the booty.

Hmm, an evil super-genius, charismatic leader who demands complete devotion & has plans to rule the world in 1930’s Germany?

Yes, the film was banned in Germany until 1961. Touchy, touchy Hitler.

While long-distance mesmerism may be new in the movie, here in Blaine, Ne, anyone can be a long or short distance hypnotist.

It’s simple. Pay a fee, natch, & y’all can get a module installed in The BlayneState Brain slot. You pay by the day.

Here’s how it works, use Prompt to describe who to hypnotize, how, when & where.

Then, the rub, The HypnoMod doesn’t control other people’s action, but creates the sights, sounds, smells & sensations of Hypnotism. Y’all totally experience and create memories around the HypnoIllusion, but the target is unaffected. As is everything, it’s all in y’all’s head. Memories are all that’s left.

The HypnoMod is just one Mod in a series of 130 Mods dedicated to fictional behavior. There’s a sex, murder, theft, crazy lies Mod, among others. The Depraved Mods are designed so y’all experience your darkest fantasies.

As reality is just perception & hazy memories.

So, we’all are off to have crazy sex with a Sydney Sweeney AI Off-The-Rack Clone. Telepathically.

On sale. Saved up for a month.


A classic.


19330120 The Vampire Bat (Tubi)

(A Fiesta 8)

Townspeople are waking up drained of blood. Exsanguinate in the AM. Eventually, the cops come to think the rampage is caused by vampires?

But, is it? (We’all even proposing ‘Vampires’ should tell you it’s not’Vampires’.)

Horror B-Lister Lionel Atwill holds down the Mad Scientist role & Fay Wray is the object of his desire.

A better-than-average 30’s horror with a few novel twists.

With every new ‘vampire’ picture, we’all are generally curious about the vampire’s property rights.

Do the same “Must be invited in” rules apply to bats? What about if the property owner owns all the land around the house, can the vampire even go into the yard?

Because even Evil yields to the property owner.

The Vampire Bat
