3C001: Blayne’s Brain Burst #1

What Movie Just Exploded in Our Head?


To make rent, the The Fiesta 13 employees are often unwitting hamsters in The Flaming Wheel of Progress of F13..

Lately, KeyHawker Industries has been working on expanding Midnight Movie Time. Midnight Movie Time is a way to make money off consumers while they sleep. Currently, only two minutes-ten of content can be beamed directly into The Brain while the subject is sleeping with 80% recall. Great for commercials. But commercials without content is just terrible content.

When KeyHawker tried to lengthen Midnight Movie Time to two hours, 13 seconds, a Brain Burst occurs. No Recall. A Brain Burst is The Brain’s last image before The Brain’s trip to a 13-hour oblivion. This is an effort to heal.

Blayne’s Brain Burst is a movie’s last gasp. Reconstructed with Human AI.

Can you guess the movie that exploded in our heads?


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