The Fiesta 13 Salutes Troma’s Lloyd Kaufman

For Pride month, The Fiesta 13 salutes someone who’ll never be highlighted on The View, Lloyd Kaufman. Lloyd & his mostly silent partner, Michael Herz, have been “Disrupting Media for 50 Years.” Since Roger Corman just died, Kaufman seems most primed to fill his spot by way of John Waters. Kaufman writes, directs & does everything else movie-related. No one else promotes The Make-Your-Own-Damn Movie ethos more than Troma.

Are the movies good? Some are. However, around here, we got a phrase, Better Finished, Than Perfect.

And people who’ve never made movies can get their start here, making less than nuthin’. James Gunn is Troma’s Robert DeNiro’s as DeNiro is to Martin Scorsese.

The Fiesta 13 prefers the smaller streaming services & we just signed up for The Troma Channel. Five Bucks a month. Good deal. The Toxic Avenger in 4K!?!

Randomly watched some old & new movies on the channel. In the newer flicks, they all had an LGBT+ character or two. More importantly, they just mention their sexuality & move on. Cool to see a woman transitioning to a man walk around with an open shirt. Sexuality is a second order characteristic to us & doesn’t change a person’s true character. How do they apply to the story?

Ok, like, Baby Cat was a new movie with a decent writing/acting about a woman who is a cat. The green screen effects were eye-peeling atrocities. Wow. Bad.

But the movie IS finished & exists.

Thank You Lloyd Kaufman for The Movies & The Spirit of DIY.
